Sport, cultural and business events make people feel good.
That’s a great reason for hosting one, but events can do much more besides.
Research shows events can:
- have a positive economic impact on their hosts,
- create reputational benefits through media exposure, and
- help communities grow by strengthening social cohesion and developing local skills.
But as environmental issues become ever more pressing, it’s clear that some aspects of events can also be bad for the world around them.
These impacts – positive and negative – are particularly important to UK event stakeholders.
The eventIMPACTS project exists to help organisers measure, monitor and evaluate them, so they can quantify their benefits and demonstrate the maximum return on public investment.
About the toolkit
Introducing the eventIMPACTS toolkit, how it works and the principles underpinning it.
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Who's behind it
eventIMPACTS is built on the expertise and experience of government, sport and tourism bodies across the UK.
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What it covers
A comprehensive list of the event impacts the toolkit includes and the measures you can use to monitor them.
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What we're talking about
The toolkit aims to make impact evaluation as straightforward as possible, but here’s an explanation of the technical terms we sometimes need to use.
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What you think
Event impact evaluation is an evolving field – contribute to its development by sharing your experience or giving us feedback on the toolkit.
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