Inclusion and diversity are a major area of social impact for global events. This area is wide reaching and includes indicators related to the event itself and the long-term impacts of the event. For example, output indicators include the proportion of participants, attendees or volunteers from underrepresented groups. In the UK, The Equality Act 2010 has specified nine areas that are termed in the legislation as protected characteristics. These include (in no particular order): Age; Sex; Race; Disability; Pregnancy; Marital status; Sexual orientation; Gender reassignment; and Religious background.
Indicators also include accessibility measures for the event, such as venue accessibility and public transport accessibility. Global events can also help to change attitudes towards minority groups, offering greater visibility and promotion in coverage of the event, and can be used to set new standards for inclusion and diversity in the host country. However, it is important to stress that issues of diversity and inclusion, whilst presented here as a specific impact area, should be considered as part of all impact areas. For example, the economic and environmental impacts of events should also consider how they may affect different population groups. Moreover, the methods used in impact evaluation can consider if there is subconscious bias in study design which could exclude, or over/under represented perspectives from certain population groups. Consequently it is important to promote engagement of all stakeholder communities from the pre-bidding stage all the way through to the evaluation stage.
Indicators relevant for these impacts recommended by OECD and ASOIF are:
- % of participants/attendees/volunteers/organisers from underrepresented groups (ASOIF reference SO-DI2.1/2/3)
- Pay ratio for participants/organisers from underrepresented vs other groups (ASOIF reference SO-DI1.2)
- New standards for equal opportunity in place in host communities or nationally
- % of event media coverage on people from underrepresented groups (e.g. in broadcast and print media, websites, etc.)
- Net change in % of public reporting positive attitude towards underrepresented groups
- Expenditure on specific diversity and inclusion programmes/projects
- Number of venues that meet accessibility standards
The OECD has identified that these impacts contribute towards UN SDGs relating to Gender Equality (Targets 5.1 and 5.5), and Reduced Inequalities (Targets 10.2 and 10.3).