Many sporting events are held within the natural environment, rather than just purpose-built stadia. From the planning phase, events should seek to protect ecosystems and minimise negative environmental impacts to landscape and biodiversity. Open spaces created as part of new construction for major events can have a significant impact on local ecosystems. Healthy ecosystems provide numerous benefits, such as amenity, mitigation against urban heat island effects, flood alleviation, soil stability, improved air quality and soundscape, and food production.
Indicators relevant for these impacts recommended by OECD are:
- Event-related spending on maintaining or improving areas of land
- % use of green vs brownfield sites
- Areas of protected land disrupted/developed - m²
- Number of ecosystems disrupted/developed
- % biodiversity Net Gain or Loss
- Noise pollution - dB(A) level
- Air pollution
The OECD has identified that these impacts contribute towards UN SDGs relating to Good Health and Well-Being (Target 3.9), Sustainable Cities and Communities (Targets 11.4 and 11.6), and Life on Land (Targets 15.5 and 15.a).