Cookie Policy

Level 2 Information

Section 1:  General information about cookies

Key definitions

1st party cookies and 3rd party cookies: whether a cookie is 1st party or 3rd party depends on the website that places the cookie.  A 1st party cookie is a cookie placed by the website that is visited by the user.  A 3rd party cookie is a cookie set by a domain other than that of the website that is visited by the user; if a user visits a website and a separate company sets a cookie through that website, this would be a 3rd party cookie.

Session cookies and persistent cookies:  whether a cookie is a session cookie or a persistent cookie depends on its lifespan.  A session cookie is a cookie with a lifespan restricted to a browser session and is deleted as soon as the user closes their browser; session cookies allow websites to link the actions of a user during a browser session.  By contrast, a persistent cookie is a cookie that remains on the user's device in between browser sessions for a period of time specified in the cookie and is activated each time that the user visits the website that served the cookie; persistent cookies can be used for a variety of purposes including remembering users' preferences and choices or to target advertising.

Main types of cookies

Strictly necessary cookies: these are cookies that are strictly necessary for a service requested by the user and are exempt from the consent requirements.  Strictly necessary cookies include cookies used for shopping baskets, security, page load and remembering previous actions when returning to previously visited pages in the same session.  These cookies will generally be 1st party session cookies.

Functionality cookies: these cookies are used to remember a specific functionality requested by the user, for instance remembering settings such as language, font size, layout, etc selected by the user.  Generally, functionality cookies can be 1st or 3rd party cookies and session or persistent cookies.

Analytics cookies: these are cookies used for measuring performance of a website, understanding how visitors access and use the website, error management and website improvement.  Often, this work is done in the background and not at the request of the user.  Generally, analytics cookies can be 1st party or 3rd party cookies and session or persistent cookies. 

Targeting cookies: these cookies are typically used for advertising purposes and typically contain a unique identifier that is used to distinguish individual users browsing habits or store a code that can be translated into a set of browsing habits or preferences using information stored elsewhere.  These are typically 3rd party persistent cookies (although may also be 1st party when served on an ad network's website).

For further information on cookies, including how to see what cookies have been set on your device and how to manage and delete them, visit

Section 2:  Functionality Cookies

Functionality cookies can be first and third party, session or persistent cookies.  These cookies will typically be the result of a user action, but might also be implemented in the delivery of a service not explicitly requested but offered to the user.  They can also be used to prevent the user being offered a service again that had previously been offered to that user and rejected. Examples include:

  • Remembering settings a user has applied to a website such as layout, font size, preferences, colours etc.
  • Remembering a choice such as not to be asked again to fill in a questionnaire.
  • Detecting if a service has already been offered, such as offering a tutorial on future visits to the website.
  • Providing information to allow an optional service to function such as offering a live chat session.
  • Fulfilling a request by the user such as submitting a comment.

If you would like to see a list of the Functionality Cookies and the purpose they are used for by this website click here